Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Feets don't fair me now!

What joy!  What rapture!  This is a kid who loves to see the animals!!!! 


He sees them every year, but still shows such excitement at being able to pet a kid goat.  It's amazing.  

And the kid goat looked like it was deaths door...

He ran excitedly from one pen to the next, telling us what gender the sheep were based on the color of the jackets they were wearing.  He was right...  I didn't check but a young 4Her was close by and confirmed.

The fair had a petting zoo and can you tell?  Leon had a cup full of food for them.  He was very popular!


He got a kick out of goosing the rabbits until he touched some poop that was hanging under a cage.

Calves.  They were nice to pet because they just lay there and didn't try to lick him. 
I think they were all too hot to move.


He felt as many pigs backs as he could.  Apparently they're really soft, according to Leon.  REALLY??  I've always thought they felt like a wire brush.

He laughed at horses and their big Julia Roberts teeth.
I'm sorry... was that mean??!

We spent about an hour looking at animals then ate some lunch before heading home.  We probably won't make it back to the fair until Wednesday night when we pick up Meri's photos.

And that's ok.  My feet are thankful.

1 comment:

Michelle said...

lol! Julia does have some big teeth! Nice to see Leon having such a good time :)


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