Thursday, July 2, 2015

Sew Campy

I am going to SEW tonight!!!!!  I can almost taste it!   

A whole evening with no one else around and the house all quiet...  But I'll probably read.

But I CAN'T!  I have things to sew.  The handwork finishing stuff can wait until a car trip, but I need to get some projects at least started so I will have something to take to the fair.  I'm making a sweater cape thing and at least one skirt.

Last night, Leon and Ryan camped out on our front lawn.  They watched movies until late and then slept til morning.  

The proper manly way to camp.

Ryan was impressed with how well Leon did camping, that they're planning more camping trips elsewhere later in the summer, like at a REAL campground.

I'm sorry, but if man were made to camp, God wouldn't have given us memory foam mattresses...  

I may never camp again in my lifetime and I'm perfectly fine with that.

I know... I know...  There are those of you who are purists and love to sleep in the great outdoors...  But to me, it's just more housework outside and a crummy place to lay your head.

But the boys are young and their bodies can take it, so more power to em!


Southern Gal said...

Yay for camping! We love camping, but you're right. Our bodies are not getting any younger. ;)
I hope we'll get back out there this fall.

Gill - That British Woman said...

I am totally with you regarding camping. My old bones like comfort, preferably a hotel bed with an ensuite bathroom for those nightly journey's.

Sonya Ann said...

I'm not a camper. In fact, we went to a cabin once that was really closer to a shed and I flipped out. EWWWWWW! And that was the end of our camping/cabining. What is it with guys and sleeping on the ground!?!?!


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