Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Eat Pray Work Faster

Crazy times are just my thing, I guess...

I have a nekkid little boy in the house who is fighting his daddy who is trying to dress him for school.  I've got a daughter with problematic boobage.  (That's code for "the theater department is having trouble finding me a costume for fall play")  I've got dogs.  (need I say more about the dogs?  no)

My siblings and I are working on a Christmas present for my folks.  We're putting together a photo book online of my parents through the years with various kids around them, including captions and letters from the grandkids.  Hmmm...  I've told all the siblings and their kids, I should probably tell my own kids, huh?

My parents value memories SO much and I guess I follow them in that respect.  And with Mom's memory loss, this will be a good thing to jog some thoughts for her and Dad will love going down the memory lane trail too.

Once it's done, we'll get two copies made and additional ones for my siblings, if they want one.  But one for Mom at the nursing home and one for Dad at his apartment.  The photos are already rolling in.  Below is me with only 3 of my sisters, husband, BIL, parents and a few grandkids of that time period. 

Hard to believe they were all so LITTLE once!
I worked on the wedding dress hem again last night and put in the hem for the lining.  I still need to press it and fix the little disappointing areas of the chiffon hem.  Yikes!  And then Robb and I ran to the convenience store later last night and actually ran into the bride and her fiance!  

Small towns...

And yeah, the first thing I thought to blurt out was the mistakes I've made on the hem.  I am a true sewist...

But I've told her don't look at it too closely, so it's ok.

Gotta dash.  Got a miracle to pull out of my ear (or some other opening) before I get Leon to school.  
Have a great Tuesday!  

Wait... It's Wednesday, isn't it?

1 comment:

Southern Gal said...

Do we all do that? I thought I was the only one. I was going to say no one will ever notice if you don't say anything. ;)
The memory book is a great idea!


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