Wednesday, February 10, 2016


I sewed a little last night.  Got the collar and sleeves onto Leon's shirt.  I hope I didn't screw up on the stripy part...  Now I just need to find a button holer attachment and see what we can put together!  But that will need to be some other day than today.

Leon has school today after 1.5 weeks of either snow days or being at his moms.  He filled out the Valentines a week ago but I just realized that we didn't have any candy to put in them.  So unless we can still bring them on Friday, he'll be the weird kid.  I'll bring the cards today just in case.

I made a double batch of pasta salad for a dinner at church tonight.  They weren't the same flavors...  but they're mixed anyway.  It tastes good.

I ate a breakfast that I found on the counter this morning, thinking that my hubby thought of me!  How sweet!  About 45 minutes later, Meri came up and said that she didn't need to be to school til the normal time this morning, so the breakfast must have been for her!  I thought she'd left!  I haven't seen her in probably 3 days...    

Fix yourself something to eat girl!!!

I hope Robb didn't start her car for her...

Leon is dressed and ready to go to school, eating his breakfast of chicken nuggets and mandarin oranges.  Breakfast of champions AND stubborn little boys who likes the same food almost all the time.  He's growing so what can I say??!

I made pizza calzones last night for dinner to celebrate National Pizza Day.  I didn't realize NPD was a thing...  But who am I to complain?

It's cold out.  I will complain about that.

I've got lots of work to do, so I'll chat at you later!
Have a great hump day!


Sonya Ann said...

I would be too scared to eat food left out. God only knows why it had been left there! And I'll complain about the cold with you.

Michelle said...

I am going to chime in with a complaint about the cold. I don't like it! We had another snow day, today. As charming as they are, it is enough already.


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