Tuesday, October 25, 2016

He'll be an electrician

I'm trying to keep the boy off the computer/tv since yesterday after work.  So far so good!  The sidewalks are adorned with chalk, the tree is now decked out with bats and spider webs and I got a few weeds pulled too.  

He played with play dough for a long time and documented his productions.  

And I did a little too.

After a bath, we did watch a little PJ Masks before bed...  But that was it.  

This morning, he found a Transformer toy that, in his words, "It's been lost for YEARS!!!"  

He hasn't been around TOO many, so he must mean weeks.

Anyway, it's a Tuesday and I'm working from the living room this morning.  Wish me luck!  I'm telling him that the other electronic stuff is broken...
He understands that.

1 comment:

SAM said...

Amazed you can get work done and keep the little guy amused!


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