Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Making Memories

This morning as I was reading my emails and FB news, Leon came down the stairs sleepily scratching his backside and heading for the couch.   I grabbed a blanket to tuck him in and he asked if we could snuggle a little.  

You bet!

So I told him the story about when his daddy got REALLY sick and had to go to the hospital and then the next week, Leon had gotten REALLY sick too and stayed at the same hospital.  They both had caught Muscular Aplasia.  Not a fun thing...

That was a bad summer...

He told me about a story that his Grandpa had told him the previous day about how one winter, he and Leon's daddy were snuggling on that chair and heard and saw a winter white owl in the woods behind our house.  Leon had JUST gotten his book order yesterday and they'd read a story about owls.

I told him about camping out on the trampoline with Maddy and her friend.  It's pretty comfy unless someone sneaks down from the house and pokes you from underneath.

Yep - I'm going inside!

I also told him about the time that he and I snuggled on this very couch and told each other our memories.

GRANDMA... That's right now!!!

Yeah...  It's one of my favorite memories...

1 comment:

Jane said...

I hadn't heard of that disease before. That would have been a difficult time! But creating new cuddly memories - priceless!


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