Thursday, January 19, 2017

SOL 481 Impossibilities

Yeah, so I've been watching The Martian.  It has been recommended by most of my children and the 3rd child just hasn't gotten around to telling me if he's seen it.  He probably has.  The other two just say they loved it and it's good.

Don't tell me what happens!

I'm feeling much better snot-wise.  However I felt so nauseous  this morning, I didn't feel like getting out of bed.  And no, I'm not pregnant.  That ship has sailed.  I think Day 5 of a bad cold is feeling like total manure.

I'm working from the living room this morning and Leon is fighting crime behind me.  Meri has a thingy at the school tonight and I'll get to see her movie that she made with some friends.  It's about a young girl dying and the new husband who loves her.  Yikes!  Should be a tear jerker.
I saw the script, so I already know how it ends.  I cried as she read it to me.

For a long while, Maddy's favorite books and movies were about a girl with a terminal illness, yet falling in love on her way.  There's a whole series of them...  I'm sorry, I don't think this one will end well.  I'm the one who wouldn't watch TAPS because I heard a rumor that Timothy Hutton dies at the end.  I liked him...  So if I hear something is going to end badly, I won't watch it willingly.

After spending 3 weeks of my life watching ten minutes at a time of Braveheart, I almost left my husband.  How could you NOT tell me how it ends!!!!???!!!  He thought I knew my Scottish history.  Um.. hello!!!?  I grew up with local city history as my favorite history subject.  Just ask me about a stop that Lewis and Clark made!  I can point you to every spot they stood, on a certain hill in my hometown.  Or which settler married the local Indian Chief's daughter.  And I sucked at American history... so why would I delve into another countries history??  
So yeah.  I cried for a while after that movie.

I have heard rumors about The Martian, so don't blow it for me.  If it ends badly and someone told me, I'd be devastated.  If it ends NOT so badly, I'll be ok with that.

Hopefully I'll finish it at my lunch break today while I cut out some pieces of the pattern that should be in the mailbox.  Then you can give all the spoilers you want.

*crossing my fingers for a safe rescue*

*and hoping Meri's movie ending has been changed since the script*
*rooting for the girl!*
linking over at It's a small town life. LOVE this chick!


slugmama said...

Would this be the time to tell you I'm related by marriage to Meriwether Lewis too?
The whitest white woman in America strikes again. ;-)

Hope you feel better soon and I won't be spoiling the movie ending for you as I haven't seen a movie in ages.

Rachel said...

Oh, I love "The Martian." It is one of the few movies I have willingly watched more than 1 time.

Hope you feel better soon!

SAM said...

We enjoyed the movie, and I have intentions of reading the book-some time!! I hope you get over the crud. No fun, and as I also posted on Sluggy's post, I am trying to will myself happy to get through the rest of January.

Jane said...

Grrrrrr I want to tell you but I won't!! Great movie though. After seeing Love Story years ago I just can't watch those tear jerkers any more where one of a couple is dying of some disease. I'm a crier.

Anne in the kitchen said...

The Martian is a good movie which is pretty hard to pull off since the bulk of the movie has just the one character.
Today is a perfect day here to sock in a watch a movie. It is raining like crazy and the skies are really dark so I might steal your idea, make some tea and kick back with a movie.

Michelle said...

My daughter is all about sappy/sad movies. I just can't handle them! I don't watch movies with sad/horrible themes/endings. It is just too much. Totally depressing! Isn't life hard enough?! Anyway....thanks for linking up today! Sorry you still feel like crap.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I haven't see The Martian but I've heard it's very good! Hope you feel better soon!

Rose said...

I haven't seen The Martian...need to look it up...hope you get over the cold soon.


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