I noticed that our Black-eyed-Susans were already blooming yesterday! The yellow ones have a LONG time to go and usually bloom the week or so that the kids go back school in August. But the pink ones are going full bore now. Oh well. We can enjoy them longer.
Speaking of early... Leon was REALLY wanting to make cookies yesterday. So I pulled out my favorite cookie cookbook and let him pick something. If we didn't have the right ingredients, I would have told him to move on to a different one.
He chose Halloween pumpkin chocolate chip cookies. Don't they look cute in the mag?
We wondered if the spider was real...
Luckily we had everything. Well, two tries on the canned pumpkin. I opened the first can and it just didn't look right. Checked out the bottom of the jar and it said a 2015 expiration date. Whoops! I dug for another can. FOUND ONE! I had til 2018 for that one.
I scooped up the ingredients and he dumped them in. He is also very good at breaking eggs into a bowl for me AND he knows how to hit the 30 second timer on the microwave to soften frozen butter for me.
While they baked, I got the next batch ready and then we colored some frosting to squirt through a baggie on to the cooled cookies. He put enough green food coloring in to make his poop green for a week. I think he's looking forward to that...
The two cookies towards the bottom were too warm when we started decorating.
Leon said that was pumpkin blood...
Yeah... Those are Grandma Maggies as she hates chocolate.
So he's in the Halloween spirit already (seems a little early) and we got a few packaged up for him to take to his mom's last night. But they got left in the car by accident. I'll get those stuck in the freezer soon.
I froze the rest of the cookie dough in little lumps and they're ready for more batches whenever anyone else wants to bake them. While they tasted delicious, they didn't do anything for my dieting...
Waiting to weigh myself too. I'll wait another day or so. It seems too early.
Yes, too early to weigh in here too! It just happens to be strawberries and ice cream season; then there will be raspberry and ice cream season, blueberries and... maybe wait til November!
Pumpkin cookies are good year round. ;) I baked and ate two birthday cakes today. I had help in the eating department, but no one would take them out of the house for me. So into the freezer the rest will go. Only weigh once a week!
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