Friday, September 15, 2017

Eminent Postponement

Meri came home from school yesterday and I overheard her on the phone talking with a friend.

"Yeah, you guys come to my house at half time and the guys can come here too to get ready when the game gets over. "


Excuse me?  What is being planned here?

So there are five girls coming by tonight to get prettied up for the homecoming dance and some guys will be here too for pictures.  Potentially their parents too.


I'm not a slob.  I'm just putting that out there right now.  But I personally, closely, know some people who are.  The house is usually ready for one or two understanding friends.  But ten kids in all their finery AND their parents??

Homecoming from 2010 with Maddy.
Dress designed by one of her friends and I made it.
and yes, Sluggy.  I still have that dress stored in my home...
not the garage.
Meri purchased a dress for tonight.
Not that she had to...
But she wants to save me for THE prom dress.
I think.

Well, a few doors will be shut and I need to dust.  and pick up toys.  and get the dogs into the garage.  and look around the house with a critical eye.

Sorry kids...
Homecoming will need to be postponed.


Anne in the kitchen said...

Kids getting ready means you have to have the bedrooms straightened too! I would be in such trouble!

Michelle said...

You sound like me. Our house is clean, but not always picked up. Too much "stuff". LOL! Just think what a great Mom your daughter knows you are to invite everyone over.

SAM said...

I would panic! right now my house is not tidy,nor is it clean. I've been very neglectful since the week before school started, going on three weeks of bare minimum cleaning.


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