Tuesday, December 19, 2017


 On Saturday, Meri drove Robb and I to my hometown for a Christmassy gathering at my Mom's nursing home.  Lots of food and lots of laughter and not enough time.

Meri and her cousin breaking the ice after not seeing each other since Thanksgiving.
This niece is in the process of publishing a book that she's written for young teens.

My sister brought a game that she'd put together with Saran wrap and candy and a die.  As someone rolled until they rolled a six, another person unwraps like crazy to get as much candy as possible.  It went around the table 3 or more times until it was done.  The kids had a blast and got sugared up REAL good.

Here is Meri during HER stint with it.  LOVE that smile.

My brother with his grandaughter, Norah (aka Maddy & Matthew's flower girl).  
What a cutie patooty.  And I guess my bro is pretty too (according to Meri when she was three.  She gazed at him and said, "Mark - You're so pretty!")

 Meri and her grandparents.  That IS my dad's smile. and scowl.  He's thrifty that way.

 A nephew-in-law with his two girls, trying to get more candy out of the candy ball.

 I love these two so much.  

Do you ever get a lump in your heart from just looking at a picture?


SAM said...

Prayers for your family, Val. Your mother looks lovely in the picture and I'm glad for your family having this special time together.

Jane said...

Yes, certain photos always give me a lump :) That's a great game - I'd like to try it with money!!! Bet people would move a little quicker!

Jill said...

Love all the photos and yes I certainly have.... if only at times we could pull people out of those photos and hold them again. The candy ball sounds like fun! Have a wonderful day!


Southern Gal said...

Love the parents of your parents. Yes, tears, lumps in throat and all the feels.

Southern Gal said...

Um. I don't think I know the parents of your parents, so I'll just let that comment go.


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