Monday, January 8, 2018

I can't adult today

Meri became an adult yesterday.  Now she can vote, buy cigarettes and get a tattoo.  

What does SHE want to do?  Pet the cats at Petco.  Apparently you have to 18 or with an 18 year old in order to pet them.  A potential buyer.  She's pumped.

Her official big day was Saturday, but we celebrated last night because that's when Leon and his dad and Jen could attend.  

Also on Saturday, we picked up the "new-to-us" car.  I drove it half way home and think it's going to be a good car for one of the kids.  Meri got one look at it and a practice drive to go see a friend and decided that she'd accept it.  She moved all her things into it before Robb got back from an errand. 

We did say she'd have first crack at it if she wanted to trade...

So now it's the "we'll never drive it" car that we also own.  At least now, we have enough cars to go around.  More shuffling will ensue I'm sure.  

Meri's Hugh Martin, that's what she's named it. (She likes the name Martin and at the moment is in love with anything Hugh Jackman, cue The greatest showman - so she merged them.  Anyway, Hugh Martin needs a new radio and speakers.  She's already lined up one of her friends to install it all.  


Oh!  She can sign a lease now!  Now that she needs to anytime soon.


Southern Gal said...

Happy birthday to your adult! We have more cars than people at the moment here at our house. No one drives the truck except to take off the garbage. Ethan named his car Luke after the youth pastor we bought it from. Everyone always says "There's Luke!" when they see the bright yellow car so there you go. I like Meri's name! I didn't realize Hugh Jackman was a theater man before going into movies. Makes sense though.

Anne in the kitchen said...

It is good and a little scary to have all adult kids, but if she is choosing to pet cats as her rite of passage I figure you have few fears! Happy Birthday, Meri!


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