Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Regressing to my childhood habits

Now that the 2nd semester of school for Meri is in full swing, I've started thinking about her graduation party.  The date of said party is yet to be determined...  but I think I've got the decorating well in hand.

I've been on Pinterest.

She wants to do tons of bagels from Panera bread, so I'm thinking donut wall but with bagels? ;)  not.
But we are doing bagels.

She wants tons of wine gummies placed on tables in dishes made out of cut in half wine bottles. not.
and have everyone think she's a lush?  
Since then she's changed her mind on the wine gummies.  And for the record, they are amazing!

Also, since it's still a ways off, I can't really start stocking up on bagels yet, so I started in on the next best thing.

I've collected almost 200 photos of her JUST in her high school years.  I'll work on getting them printed off and probably hung around creatively.  We'll see what we can come up with.

There are several yards of gorgeous black satin in my fabric stash, so I can make a few table runners out of that.  Maybe sprinkle red accents on it for effect.

I've ordered 80 yards of black and red tulle.  And I have a reason for it.  Remember these railings from Ryan and Maddy's graduations?  They have caused no shortage of headache and work.  I think I'll do what I always did when I cleaned my room as a kid.  Cover up the bad parts with a blanket or a bed. Only this time it will be all of it. with. tulle.  School colors of course!  I'm not a barbarian.

This was when they looked good.... 9 years ago for Ryan's graduation.  

We will do some work on the deck as soon as it's warm enough again, but not sure if we can get it back to how it was in 2009...  or 1998...

If you make the image of the idea of a railing fuzzy enough, no one will be quite certain what's underneath.

Just don't lean on the railings please.

1 comment:

Anne in the kitchen said...

I am all in favor of decorative camouflage!


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