Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Knocking Things Down

He knows how to tie his shoes now!!!  His teacher has been tying them at school when he switches from his boots, but the other night Robb sat down with him and threatened to chase him around the house with a wrapping paper tube if he didn't tie them right.  

Just kidding...  That was Ryan and a part he needed to learn for a church program 20 years ago.

But Robb sat with Leon and showed him several times and made Leon try it himself many many times.  "Can we be done yet Grandpa?" I heard him ask.  "Sure, untie and do it one more time to show me. Good job!  Go show Grandma!"  So there was an additional time or two with me.

The next day he did it at school and I think his teacher was impressed or relieved.  Not sure which.  But Leon came home saying he learned how to do the impressive "double knot!" *yay*

I let him play outside when he got off the bus and he built up the snowman that he and his dad did on Monday.  I'm glad I got a pic of it because 2 minutes later, he'd kicked it all down.

Not sure if that is a statement about the world today or just because he's a five year old boy.  Probably the later.  While he played, I worked from the deck.  It was beautiful out!  33 degrees and balmy!  When I needed a break from work, I took down all the Christmas lights from outside.  They're extremely easier coming down than going up...

As did the snow man...

Oh!  I got some sewing in on the futon yesterday!  A box of stuff that needs to be shipped to Maddy and Matthew is on the dining room table and reminds me many times a day that I need to finish the futon cover.  

So over lunch yesterday I sewed on the handmade piping and side pieces.  Today, if I get time, I found that I had enough piping for the back piece too, so I'll do that and then sew it all together.  Probably finish up the seams for durability with the serger.  Then OFF it goes!  I hope it fits!  The old futon cover was way oversized and due to the fabric that I had left from the chair recovering project, we're pushing it.  It might be an inch or two shorter on the length width and depth.  It'll be fine...

At this minute, I'm typing this from my husband's office.  I had to drop off Leon's snowpants at school, or recess would be hell, and then run a quick errand to a nearby town.  However then I got a message from Meri asking if I'd be coming to her J-Term presentations at the high school.  

SHHHUUURRRE!  What time?  9am.  oh. ok...

So instead of running back home, here I sit until the presentations.

What is J-Term?  Well, when you start school in the fall earlier than other schools, we don't make the kids study for semester tests over Christmas break.  It's just done before hand.  So they do special projects of their own choosing for the week and a half back to school before the real classes begin again.  The last couple years of J-Term, Meri wrote a book and a song or two.  This year, she's producing a song.  She said that she's not actually in the presentation, but I'll bet she'll surprise us.  It would be cool to hear her on stage performing it.  We'll see.

Gotta run.  Have a great Wednesday!!!!

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