Thursday, January 11, 2018

Poppies!!! Poppies!!!

Wow!  The sleet was coming down like crazy and then for a while it was huge fluffy flakes.  Now it's just blowing snow.    School was postponed, then all out cancelled for the day.  I'm actually in my office instead of working from the living room which is a change for me.  I haven't been out here in weeks!  The plant is still alive but barely.  I gave it some much needed water.

Got a sewing project done yesterday.  More on that another day.

Do you want a recipe?  

Sugar free Poppy seed Dressing

Guaranteed to help you lose weight or you're just not trying.

In a blender add,
1/4 cup white vinegar
1/4 cup Splenda 
or an equivalent OR just use 1/4 cup sugar if you're not on a diet.
1 teaspoon onion flakes
1 teaspoon dry mustard
1 teaspoon salt
1/2 cup vegetable oil

blend the heck out of it.  

Add 1 tablespoon of poppy seeds and just pulse the blender for a second.  You don't want the seeds to be pulverized.  Then pour immediately into a jar.  I keep old glass dressing jars for just this purpose.

Will store in the fridge for about a week or two.  I wouldn't know. It's usually gone within a few days and then I'm ready to make some more.

Shake it well before each use.

Out of the 16 pounds I packed on since Thanksgiving, (I blame chips and dip.) (and chinese food 3 days in a row) (and fudge) I'm down to 6 pounds left to go.

Then on to less after that, if I can keep this up.


Anne in the kitchen said...

The dressing sounds great, thanks for sharing!

SAM said...

Delicious! So good I bet on a spinach salad.

Jane said...

Ohhhh don't talk about losing weight! I just lose and gain the same ten pounds every freaking year. Well, more like 15 now. I read somewhere recently that it's better to be slightly overweight than slightly overweight. I really really hope that's true!


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