Thursday, January 4, 2018

Puke and Pickles

This kid...  Visited at a friend of his Dad's apartment for a couple days with his Dad, because Ryan had off work, then came home last night in prep for school starting back up today.  The temps are still really low (-3 at this moment) so there was a two hour delay.  Leon slept on our bedroom couch last night and this morning woke up a lot earlier than normal.  So he climbed into bed with me.  He told me about Maddy's kindergarten class saying that she met her husband in a grocery store, so I told him about how Grandpa Robb and I met.

He promptly went into the bathroom and threw up.

I really didn't think the story would make you do that...

So, not only a 2 hour delay but an all day out for him.  Good thing Ryan is sleeping on the couch behind him!  I'll work from the dining room until he wakes up.

Now that we've got vomit out off the way, want to try out a new recipe?

I mentioned some deep frying that the girls and I did last Thursday when we couldn't drive anywhere.  The recipe I'm going to share is deep fried pickle egg rolls.

Oh my...  
Step 1: buy 12 BIG pickles and slice in half lengthwise.
Scoop out the seedy area and pitch it or make pickle pops out of them, I don't care.

Step 2: mix 4 oz softened cream cheese, 1 cup shredded cheddar, 8 slices of cooked and crumbed bacon, 1 tsp. garlic powder and a little salt & pepper.

Step 3: fill the pickle halves with the mixture and put them back together to form a whole pickle again.  
Wrap them in a standard sized egg roll wrap.

Step 4: Fill a pan (I use cast iron pan) about 1/2 inch deep with oil and get it hot.  Deep fry the pickles a few at a time until they're golden brown all around.

You can use ranch dressing to dip them in, but we'd forgotten all about this part and just dug in.

But there were so many pickles and there are still a few in the fridge.  Not sure how to heat up a week old pickled egg roll but I'm willing to give it a shot.

I haven't made the futon cover yet, but hope to soon.  Right now we're trying to get the house back in some pre-Christmas order.  Like how it looked LAST January, but the tree is still up and there is still a pile of wrapping paper in the corner of the dining room...  I've been working on organizing some closets upstairs so we can get the doors shut.  Then maybe I won't feel so guilty messing things up to sew for a few days. ;)

Have a wonderful Thursday!


Anne in the kitchen said...

The pickle egg rolls sound like a kick and something I would try, however, the order of the post might change my mind!

Out My window said...

Wow he made it to the bathroom? My kids would have hurled on the bed and all over me. I have had fried dill pickles and they are good.

Linda said...

When my son was three, he was ill and wanted to lie in my bed after I got up. He came to me later and said, "I coughed in your bed." Since that was a strange statement, I went in to find puke all over the bed and blankets, sheets, and pillows. I thought you were going to say that after I read the titles of the post.


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