Monday, February 12, 2018

The MOM, that's WHO!

 A good weekend always starts with spending a lot of money!  and spending a lot of time with the one you love.  On Friday, Robb and I dropped off the boy at his mom's, then checked into an Embassy Suites hotel.  What a nice time! 

The weather was terrible outside, but we didn't care.  We ate in the hotel restaurant and didn't even venture a look outside. 

It was spring inside!

On Saturday we enjoyed a leisurely breakfast at the hotel and wondered how to spend the day until we needed to be somewhere that afternoon.  I chose browsing at a JoAnn Fabric store that had a used book store next door to it.  How were we to know that the book store had closed shop a while back?...  darn.  Kindles kill all the fun. 

So Robb stayed in the car and read a book on his phone while I browsed.

While we were gone, Meri had had a board game night with her friends and had a few girls stay over.  But on Saturday, we met up with her at a Jazz competition in the same city as the hotel.

Then we headed home and I sewed.  I can see where I'll need to take in the vest just a little more on the sides.  Since this photo, I've removed the temporary zipper and am waiting for one to arrive from Amazon.  

She was smiling not 10 seconds before this picture.  She actually REALLY likes how it's turning out!

The blouse is from Meri's yodeling days a few years back.
I think it's a LITTLE too German -y for this outfit, so we'll figure out something more French-ish.
Wasn't Leon SO LITTLE???!

Here is the skirt hemmed, with the lining, apron and little bags.

I've decided it's not going to be one piece of a costume...  Too complicated!  She wears it until the middle of the castle stuff, then changes to other outfits until the end of the play so Belle will have a little more time to get dressed before the play starts.  She can tie a few straps and zip a couple zippers before the play starts...

Robb picked up Leon earlier on Sunday, than usual and he got to attend the birthday party of a neighborhood friend of his.  They then traipsed around their backyard and across a snow covered corn field until the birthday boy's mom caught them.

This is Leon whacking the spiderman.  He didn't break it open though.  

Tons of candy and sugar later, I dragged him away and since he'd been SUCH a booger to us before and after the party, we insisted on a nap.  He slept for 1.5 hours.  wow... I guess he needed it.

So the logic here is...  if I act like a booger, someone will tell ME to go take a nap?  

We had a great DUO call with Maddy while she was making a ton of popcorn for her classroom for today.  Didn't get to see Matthew but we look forward to seeing them both this weekend.
Fake birthday for Leon.

I spent the rest of the day yesterday sewing and got a majority of the outfit done.  Just waiting on that zipper for the vest.  Need to figure out the blouse situation and maybe make some knickers for underneath.  Meri's not sure she needs that tho.  

I think she does...

But who am I?


Jane said...

So when I'm tired and alone can I still be a booger and go take a nap?

Anne in the kitchen said...

I hereby declare everyone over 21 needs a nap, cause we all act like boogers sometimes.


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