Friday, May 4, 2018

Picking your battles

It's been a long week and makes me appreciate my husband SO much!  He's been gone for a week now and gets back today!!!!  In the meanwhile, I'm chauffeuring, cooking, cleaning, organizing fire recovery, dealing with snack day at school and many other things as a single parent.  

I am SO glad he'll be home!!!
He was home long enough last week to take a selfie with the fire damage...

Oh, it looks like the dining room wall will get some sheet rock replaced also...  darn. So my pretty walls will look a wee bit different there.  I hope nothing has to happen until AFTER the grad party!  Or maybe it will only take a few hours to fix.  THEN I'll approve it!

Leon and I made M&M cookies (with some chocolate chips to round out to two cups) last night for his snack day today.  We made way too many, so we sent a bag of them with Meri today as she'll be on a school bus for 4 of the 8 hours.  Her band is playing in a parade a couple hours away today.  She can even more popular by feeding her band friends.

This morning, this was Leon, when I told him he couldn't play on the game system.  He found a giant Spiderman coloring/activity book that I'd gotten for him before Christmas that he'd been ignoring.  He traced through the mazes with his finger, so he can do it again some time.

And yes... he had a hot dog for breakfast...  Some mornings, you just don't want to go to full battle, you know?  AND his shirt did get turned around before we left the house.  I drove him to school so the cookies wouldn't be crumbs by snack time.

So it's 11:15am... Where did MY morning go?!  Have a wonderful weekend!


Anne in the kitchen said...

I love your posts! As a mom who only had sons it rings so true to life. Sometimes the best game plan is to not show up for the battle.

Meg B. said...

Nothing wrong with a hot dog breakfast at all. The gaming system battle: Now that's one I would pick to win. I can't stand the "screen addicted" look on elementary school children. According to our elementary school principal, she believes there is a direct correlation between amount of screen time and behavioral issues in kids--the more screen time, the more difficulty these kids have with classroom expectations.

Out My window said...

He is getting so big. You are right choose your battles wisely.

Making Cents Of It All said...

You have to pick your battles. There are worse things then having a hot dog for breakfast. I have been know to have a leftover cupcake for breakfast.

SAM said...

It's food and can't do him harm. You're a terrific grandma.


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