Monday, November 26, 2018

Holiday Crashers

Ah The Thanksgiving weekend is over.  All but the stories and memories made.

Last Wednesday, the day before, my sister-in-law and niece came to spend the night.  They were doing a campus visit at a college about two hours away.  They left early on Thanksgiving morning to meet up with the BIL at her in-laws.  So that left Robb, my MIL, Meri and me for lunch.  Maybe Leon if we picked him up early enough that day from his mom's.  Which we did.  

Image from our Thanksgiving with Maddy and Matthew two weeks ago.  NONE taken on our actual Thanksgiving Day.  WHY?  No clue.  The camera just didn't come out.

But on Wednesday, we still hadn't locked down who would be at our house from our immediate family for our Thanksgiving big meal, lunch.  Ryan and Jen were being non-committal until then.  They had thought they could make it as Jen's aunt was having a big supper that evening near by.  Well, that changed to lunch at the aunts, so Jen called us to let us know.  

Robb said since we were a smallish bunch, we could change ours to supper instead.  But Jen said, "Why don't you guys come to my aunts and spend Thanksgiving with us?"  

You better ask your mom and aunt...

She called back a little bit later and said, "It's a go! bring something for a side!"

So we went to our possibly, future in-law's sister's house for lunch on Thanksgiving!  Had a fun time and for the first time since being a child, watched the Thanksgiving Day parade on TV.  AND then a football game, which I never do on Thanksgiving.  But it was great getting to know them all better!  The first time we ever visited them was when they came to fix something on Jen's car a winter or so ago.  It was tense because Jen and Ryan had just broken up for a bit.  

The second time was at a jazz band competition.  
Leon says, "That girl looks like Jen! But Jen would NEVER have a white purse..."  It turned out to be Jen's sister and SHE has a white purse.  

We stayed for a little while after dinner then home again home again to relax just a little and then start getting ready for the big deal on Friday.

Today is catch up at work so I'll tell you about Friday tomorrow.  Tuesdays are ALL about Fridays, right?

Nothing like crashing the in-laws for big meals!


SAM said...

You are more social than I am. I still am having issues a couple ears alter after the back -up plan for Easter ended up being at my sister in laws parents when the BIL got the flu. I know we are supposed to be open to all on Thanksgiving, and I would welcome others-I just don't like to be the one at strangers or just acquaintances homes for holidays, no matter how lovely they are. I'm weird that way!

Michelle said...

Sounds like fun to me! We had pasta for Thanksgiving. A trip to Rome, for the week, has left us all a bit jet lagged.

Anne in the kitchen said...

I think it is great that you went to a potential in laws sister's for Thanksgiving. My home is open to whomever shows up, sides or no sides!

Jane said...

WOW - Leon sure has Jen's number doesn't he? How nice for you to get to relax for once!


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