Thursday, November 29, 2018

You know you're from a big family when...

Friday: Robb gathered up his brined turkeys and we loaded the cars with everything we'd need for the dinner.  Leon and I met him at the hall to unload then left to pick up the root beer keg.

Leon made this video for me.    

He says it Japanese but I don't believe him.

 We stopped by the house to pick up some things we missed, like a smoked turkey in the smoker, and then went to the hall too.  My sister, Tammy, was already there making her corn casserole and other sides.  Leon bounced off the walls until his favorite cousin showed up,  Tammy's granddaughter, Skyler.  They are definitely two peas in a pod!

 Other sisters, a brother, cousin and many others started trickling into the hall all afternoon.  The tables got set up, decked out with my tablecloths, from Maddy's wedding, that still need washing, along with the black table runners from Meri's grad party.   Salt/pepper shakers from Maddy's wedding distributed, food prepped, etc.

The annual tree lighting was 30 minutes earlier this year than I remembered so I missed it.  But no matter... I was making a gallon or two of gravy and couldn't be bothered.  The kids all made it down there just in time.  

We ended up with about 2-3 gallons of grease/broth from the turkeys.  What do you DO with that stuff?

It was so great hanging with my siblings...  I can't wait until the sister cruise where we can visit without all the cooking and chasing after kids!

A nephew brought his espresso maker and got his son making custom lattes and cappuccinos for anyone who wanted one.  He even had a sign advertising what he could make for you.  The sign is being saved above the ceiling tiles for next year! If we remember where it got tucked...

While I was worrying over the gravy, I heard a weird noise.  I was convinced it was the espresso machine but it was on solid.  Someone said it was a fire alarm but there was no smoke, so I dismissed it...  until four fire fighters came int thew kitchen to look for a fire.  Lights on their truck outside, the whole deal.  

Turns out Skyler's 4 year old brother, who is obsessed with fire engines, pulled the alarm and got to enjoy all the excitement and see the truck up close...

We invited them to stay for food, but the were having a dinner at the station anyway. After they left, my sister Ruth Ann expressed disappointment that they hadn't even taken off their shirts for us.  I guess not ALL firemen do that...  I said something about them helping make a calendar while they were here and Meri was shocked that I'd said that.  But Ruth Ann's comment was ok???   

I guess Ruth Ann says a lot of shocking things but Meri seldom hears me say anything like that.

This is my grand-niece.  Isn't she adorable?

Meri is the one who after watching a movie that I've suggested, wondered if I was old enough to watch it.  She's so protective of my sensibilities...

My dad started feeling ill during dinner so he and my mom went back to the hotel.  Found out yesterday that he had pneumonia and is finally responding to treatment.  Yay!!  He's still in the hospital but I'll take it!

After dinner, the talent show went on.  My fave cousin, Julie, didn't make it this year and her husband is usually the Emcee so his back up is my nephew-in-law who does a great job too.  My brother set up an apron contest and of course I entered.  The girls and I went to the second hand shop that afternoon and Meri found a lingerie snippet, determined to find someone to use it as an apron.  A little snip here, a little tying there and poof!  It's an apron!
She found my nephew Josh to be a willing accomplice.

The kids got to vote by standing next to their favorite apron.  I only had one niece stand next to me,.  I owe her a quarter...  Mark's friend, Cathy, won because she was giving the kids fruit snacks that she'd grabbed from the kitchen.  I'd brought them...  She ultimately won the prize that Mark had brought, but since she doesn't cook, she gave me the prize of the pot holder and oven mitt.  YAY!  

The talent show was a hoot.

My brother on the left, hadn't touched his trombone for 40 years until a week or so ago.  He and his son-in-law played Mission Impossible theme song with Annika accompanying.

Lots of talent and great fun.
My nephew Scott, who's son pulled the fire alarm, performed.

and if they didn't have much talent, they made up for in enthusiasm!
Here is Leon doing Cold as Ice, NOT Foreigners version, Minecraft.  Apparently there is a big difference.

Afterwards, everyone helped with clean up and we were OUT Of there before 10pm!  I was shocked!  

Got home and visited with Scott and Amanda until almost 11pm, then I tried to get to sleep but didn't until 1 or so.  I need the clock to not be handy to see from my side of the bed... Robb thinks it stresses me out to see how late it is and I do the time in my head as to how many more hours I have to sleep.  There could be some truth to that.

Wow, this got long.  But it matches how Friday was.  long.  BUT fun.  Robb and I counted up everyone and we came up with 77 people.  Yep...

Thankful for a good get-together.

Whew!  It's Thursday already and this still feels like yesterday!


Anne in the kitchen said...

Love reading this! We still have a big family meal in August. It is much easier than trying on a holiday. Generally there are about 65 of us. We have a few rogue family members who may or may not appear, but it is always fun. I love the talent show idea. We are a bunch of talentless folks who could never entertain each other except for possibly making them laugh at our talentless routine.

SAM said...

Whatva crew. We might get better turnout if we did the Saturday after-same with Christmas. What a great tradition.


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