Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Working up my Thankfulness

It's been so crazy around here that I forgot to blog this morning!  I'm sure I'll get a text from my daughter asking if something is wrong...

Anyway, the weekend...  

Friday night, Meri stayed over.  She brought Ellie and then she had a sleepover with Leon.  They had a blast and stayed up way later than he should to watch two movies that are probably too old for him but he's seen them before, so the violence of dinosaurs isn't a total shock to his system.  He said that he only jumped twice.  That's better than when he saw it the first time from what I'm told.

With Ellie here, Reedus wakes up at 3am and howls.  Not fun.  it took forever to get back to sleep.
AND Ellie taught him how to get out under the fence.  shoot.

On Saturday, I had a sewing meeting and came home with a BUNCH of fabric and inspiration!  That free table speaks to me.

Take me!  Take me!

That afternoon, I'd settled down to make use of my inspiration.  I had 3 yards of fleece to make some mermaid blankets for our church craft sale.  The lady that usually brings 8 fleece blankets a year passed away this spring and we're really missing her.  Not for this!  She was a great lady...  I just miss her.  

She also took it upon herself to make all the goodie bags for the Sunday school kids at the Christmas program every year.  Another lady has taken over that project.  Georgeane was awesome.

AND I wanted the craft sale to live on in her honor.  So I made the mermaid blankets with a sign that said I'd make more if they'd provide the fleece.  One sold immediately and I got an order for two others.  A mermaid and a shark for the grandchildren of another church friend.  She took down the yardage I told her and I'll probably do that the weekend after next.

Anyway, I'd cut out the mermaid blankets and had just sat down at the sewing machine when Meri called.  "Hi Mom!!!  Whatcha doin'?"  "sewing"  "Bring it down here!  I'm making some Christmas presents and would love your company!  Oh and can you stop by Hobby Lobby on your way and get me more supplies?"

Something tells me that she wanted the company of my debit card more than me...

So, I packed up my machine and materials.  Left Robb and headed to Meri's after stopping at Hobby Lobby of course.

Got settled at her dining room table and made the two blankets.  And she wasn't even playing Christmas music!!!  sigh...  oh well.  

Christmas music is on full time on my favorite radio station these days!  If Robb isn't in the car, it's blasting!  Leon even knows most of the songs now.  Robb is a big "No Christmas music until after Thanksgiving!" kind of guy.  I know opposites attract but sheesh!  I know ALL the words and want to belt them out!  oh well. I know when the right time is. Anytime he's not in the car.

So I worked for a few hours at Meri's and then headed home with Leon.  He'd been hanging with his dad all afternoon.  But Ryan had to go to work so home again home again.

So we were up late that evening.  EARLY Sunday morning, at 3am, Reedus woke us up again howling.  THIS time, I couldn't get back to sleep so I was running on about 4 hours of sleep all day Sunday. 
After church, we WERE going to stop for Thanksgiving groceries, but got a text from Meri that she needed something for her play el pronto!  So the grocery list got tucked back in my purse and we went to assist.  I spent a wee bit of the afternoon housekeeping but started feeling faint, I'm assuming from lack of sleep, so I grabbed my new library book and read and relaxed a bit.  If you're in the market for a new book to read, read this!  Tana French's new novel, The Witch Elm.  I love her books!  This one is from the victims perspective instead of the Dublin Murder Squad and I'm really enjoying it so far.  I have noticed that I need a LOT of light in order to read.  I guess I'm getting old.

I just tell our local librarian what books I want to read and they buy it for me!  Well, to read for the next few weeks...  I may have to renew it as my reading time is few and far between.

Anyway, my energy came back by Monday.  We're getting ready for the big Thanksgiving reunion coming up this weekend.  We've got lots of relatives staying over at various times over the next 5 days and Leon's shower and bathroom was a mess...  It's got a new shower curtain now and looks pretty sharp.  

We're just down to a quick sweep and a more leisurely vacuuming and I'll call this house ready!

The groceries were gotten last night and Robb is going to hit the oven pretty hard tomorrow getting prep stuff done beforehand.  I'm so looking forward to seeing "almost" everyone!  I'll be missing Maddy and Matthew though.  I know we had our Thanksgiving with them but still.  

I'll BE Thankful.  Just not today.


SAM said...

I've tipped my toes into Christmas music, but not full on yet. It made me laugh to describe Meri's pleas for company. She's so young still. I am so happy to have my daughter nearby after so many years. Have a lovely Thanksgiving.

Jane said...

I have made a note of that author - always on the lookout for something good to read:)


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