Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Break a Leg or a Foot

Picture this.

Meri's 2nd day on the job, working for a brand new, large, home improvement store.  They don't open for a couple weeks, so Meri's primary job right now is stocking shelves.

She and a close friend that got hired at the same time left for lunch.  They got into Meri's car, but it wouldn't start. 

It did once, sputtered, then stopped and then wouldn't start again.

Fine.  She would ride with Jessica instead, so they got out to run to J's car on the far side of the parking lot.  Time was awastin'.  

The median, just in front of Meri's car was covered with landscaping fabric, as workers were getting ready to plant trees, etc.  The girls looked for any sign that they shouldn't walk across it and didn't see any, so they did.  Meri ran a bit and stepped through the landscaping fabric, into a hole where she said she didn't know where the bottom was.  It shook her up a bit, but she pulled herself out and they ran the rest of the way to the car.  She was embarrassed and hoped no one had seen.

When they got to the car, she said that her foot hurt a bit.  They arrived at Subway and Meri couldn't put weight on it without hurting a lot more, so they went through a drive through instead and Meri called me.

"umm Mom?..."

I advised her to go to Urgent care so they went to the Express Care instead.  It's in a grocery store, so Meri hobbled to a motorized shopping cart for the disabled and drove right up to the window.  
"Um,, I think I hurt my foot."  

"We can't help you.  We don't have the right equipment.  Go to Urgent care."

So they hobbled her back out to the car and off they drove to Urgent care where they x-rayed her foot and found that a bone had gotten the corner chipped off of it.  Yikes! 

So she's in a classy boot and icing it constantly.  She's off from work today with it up.  

Anyway, after work, Robb and I went down to check on her car.  We couldn't get it started either and none of our usual tricks were working.  So while Meri and I talked with her boss and then with the Urgent care people, Robb had it towed to our car guy a couple miles away then met us for supper at our fave Chinese restaurant.  

I couldn't have sewed last night if I'd tried.

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