Monday, November 18, 2019

I am a gecko.

Friday morning was an adventure...  

I was taking a short  break and cut out a couple Christmas gifts. I won't tell you what they are until after Christmas as I have some of my followers (sisters, nieces, kids, kid-in-laws) that sometimes read my blog. But I'll show you pics after Christmas.

So back to the adventure.  I was cutting some fabric using my new sewing table, cutting mat, yard stick and a rotary cutter.  It makes swift work of things that I can't mention what they are.

Get a close look at this.

When I must have looked up for something and the rotary blade jumped the yard stick and sliced the side of my left index finger.  

now a little closer...


I stared at the rotary blade in bewilderment before I realized that I better get this bound up quick!  

It was my own fingerprint looking back at me from the blade.

Well, THIS is going to slow me down!...  shoot.

I dashed inside as the blood suddenly started pooling in the cross section of my finger...  Blood drops to show me the way back to my office I guess...

It didn't even hurt until I ran some water over it.  But the pain soon went away and I got it all taped up good and tight.  I took off the bandage that afternoon because I realized that with the blood, I hadn't gotten any antibiotic ointment on it yet.  It pooled up again.  Yikes!  
I totally grossed Leon out.

Still didn't hurt  hardly at all...    But did look like a cross section of the brain and wreaked havoc with my typing and texting skills. 

Yesterday at church, after telling someone what happened, they expressed concern that I should have had stitches.  REally?!  hmmm....  So yesterday afternoon,  I thought I'd change the bandage again and maybe have Meri pinch it together and we'll put super glue on it.  But it really looked almost normal again, well not like a cross section of my finger anymore.  The flesh had filled in and wasn't bleeding.  So it's taking care of itself.  

God made us so great!

And really, I'm not sure what stitches would do.  I have no idea where that little bit of skin went to...  
So it's not like I'd have them stitch it back on.
And it wasn't like a gash to close up.

THEN on Saturday, Robb found a lump on my back!  I'm turning into the Hunchback of Notre Dame!  It's about the size of a walnut and after a quick online diagnosis (yeah yeah I know... - but I'm a Googler...) I found that it's actually Lipoma and quite common.  The subject matter of many a Pimple Popping episode!  And I am loathe to go to a doctor about it, so I'm going to try and do a Apple Cider Vinegar and honey regimen and see if it clears up.  I've done one and almost barfed, so we'll see how many doses I do.

I'm getting old and falling apart.  AND growing a new set of back boobage.

What next??!


SAM said...

Cutting off a finger is one of my greatest fear sin life. I can't believe it didn't hurt so much. I have developed these hard little lumps in various places-again, nothing harmful, just weird. I hope I don't get back boobage as I have too much in the front as it is.

Anne in the kitchen said...

I sliced the front of my finger off recently and did go to the dr. because I could not get the bleeding to stop. There was nothing left to stitch, but silver nitrate did stop the bleeding (and burned like a son of a gun) If I could have gotten it to quit pouring blood I never would have gone in.
The amazing thing about how we are made is that the bed of the nail was still intact and over a few months a fingernail grew back in place . The finger is a little smaller than it was before but life goes on!

Practical Parsimony said...

I have never cut my finger off, but I have gotten some really bad cuts from my scissors. One day, I was lowering the needle by hand, not using electricity, and I lowered the needle through my finger!


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