Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Cheesy Movie Reviews

I've got a cold.  And it started with a tickle in my throat on Sunday.  I've been self medicating heavily with cherry cough drops, as Robb can't stand that kind so I can have as many as I want.

Did you know if you chain suck these cough drops while lounging in front of the tv all evening, it has the same effect on you as an overdose of Delsym cough suppressant?

Yeah - I woke up with medicine head this morning.  yuck.

Yesterday, every time I had a little free time, my mind was in a "I want to organize and take control of SOMETHING in the house" kind of thing.  

But what did I do instead?  

Looked in the fridge for something to eat and binge watched Single Parents on HBO.  Unfortunately I had 20 minutes at the end of my lunch break and the series had just completed.  Did I go clean off my sewing table and re-own it? no.  I started watching Amazon's VelociPastor.  

It sounded cheesy, but yikes!  It was even cheesier than that. Bring an extra dose of Lactaid.

Not a huge spoiler, the pastor/priest/whomever he was's parents died in an explosion right outside of the church.  Why didn't they go to the service their own son just did? hmmm.
Anyway, the explosion scene never got replaced with a scene of an explosion.  Simply this.

I'm so glad I use sub-captions on everything or I'd have NO idea what just happened!

In his grief, he questions his faith and his fellow pastor/priest guy says to go where God will not follow.  Wha???  So he goes to China and accidentally gets hooked up with an ancient curse that turns him into a Velociraptor when he gets upset.

Then later, the VelociPastor  (with a huge rubber dinosaur head) saves a young prostitute by killing her assailant and the bad guys head (in the form of a mannequin's head) rolls past her.  
She encourages him to use his new found powers for good and fight ninjas.
Because even the men of the cloth need some common sense advice from women of the streets.

I checked Rotten and it rated a 64%.  The comments were interesting as some saw this as brilliant.   

I think this would fall into Mystery Science Theater 3000 category and can just see the space robots as they make fun of it now.

Someday I'll finish it.  But I'll need more cough drops than I've got.


Practical Parsimony said...

Ha! You spoiled nothing for me as I would not watch that anyway. You probably needed to rest and not do anything. I hate it when I can just feel myself getting sicker by the minute. I hope you get better soon.

SAM said...

Having film making kids, I know how this stuff gets made,but still wonder why?


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