Wednesday, June 3, 2020

A Rocky Start

My weigh in for the week...

I'm a couple pounds lighter than I was at Maddy's wedding!!!  WOOHOO!
For your information, giving blood burns 450 calories, so you can add that back onto your calorie count for the day.

Makes me wish I could give EVERY day!! :)
Plus I'd get all the Monty Python episodes watched if I did...

Today, I found a TON (and I mean that literally) of landscaping concrete on the local freecycle FB site.  I didn't know it was going to be so heavy and so much or I wouldn't have scheduled to get it on a day when I'd just given blood...

So I got some of it loaded in my car and I felt like passing out.  So I called Meri.
She and Shub came over and loaded up her car too. WHEW!  

The previous owner of the stones was concerned about me and I got some water from her.  She's taking out ALL the complicated landscaping to have a bigger yard for her toddler.  Good for her!  and Good for me!

God answered my prayers for an economical way to put steps into the dog poop hill!

My haul so far.  Meri hasn't brought hers over yet.
Laid out nicely so I can sort them by size and decide what to do with each.
I've got plans... oh YES I have plans...

Some of these pieces will be a step all by themselves!  Yay!

I'm going to have to go back at least two more times to get them all back here...

I think a couple hours in the hot sun, digging, lugging stones almost too big to carry is another 12000 calories burned.  Don't you?  I am going to eat SOOOO much tonight!!!!
Just kidding...  I'd barf.

And I came across this today and it made me laugh.
I think I know who I'm going to pass my weight to as I lose... :)
Is it the weekend yet?


Practical Parsimony said...

That is quite a haul. Don't pass out. Lucky you.

SAM said...

I wish I was getting a bit stronger with my tiny weight loss, but I can't imagine moving all those rocks. Good on you for feeling your best.


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