Monday, June 1, 2020

Cheese Curds and Grand pups

Robb and I went on an adventure on Friday!!!  We drove to Wisconsin to see Maddy and Matthew!
The states are opening a little...

But they had one of our old cars.  They'd purchased a different one and didn't need it anymore.
And Shub's car is having issues right now, so we thought he could borrow it until he gets his fixed.
  Meri was aware that eventually we'd get it back here, but didn't know that we went and got it.

It was a BIG surprise for her when she found it in our driveway on Sunday!

So Robb rented a car for us to drive out and then we drove the Taurus back.  We had a great time with Maddy and Matthew!  I took the kids some homemade hummus and Matthew specifically received some braunschweiger.
He's a fan, but Maddy is not.  

We got to meet their two dogs, Zola and Daisy.  What a fun, totally alive and crazy couple dogs these are!  They're both rescue dogs.
Zola earlier than Daisy.  

Zola is the black one and definitely the Alpha female, even though Daisy is not quite sure of it.

And they love living with the kids!

And we loved getting to spoil our grand-pups a little!  

I mean when they weren't barking at us because they hadn't remembered that they'd made friends with us before we went into the bathroom...  
HEY!!!! Where'd YOU come from!!!
bark! bark! bark! bark! bark! bark! bark!

But they DO calm down on occasion.  

I have proof.

When they woke up, they immediately alerted Maddy that there are strangers here.

School in the fall is going to be tough on these two!
The dogs I mean.

Being alone all day without their humans...

The humans fed us well with Casey's pizza, because you can't get THAT in Iowa!!! ;)
Yes you can, but yums anyway!
Also, grape salad.
Robb and I had JUST been talking about all the grape salad we're going to make with my grape vine produce!!!

Meri called me at 9:30pm and apologized for waking me up.  "Ummmm no problem!"
I didn't tell her a thing.

Then we played some Jackbox games until the wee hours of almost 10!  

In the morning after another fantastic meal, we headed off back to Iowa.
On the way back, I had talked Robb into stopping at a cheese haus.  I came away from there with a mixed bag of jerky meat chunks and cheese curds.  Oh my....  It was so good! 

And see in the distance?  That's the Iowa side of the bridge.

The cheese and meats were gone by the time we were over that bridge.
Great weekend!
I wish we could multiply it by three. 
or ten.


SAM said...

We have a few sporadically placed Casey's but none near us. I know there is a Casey's in Ankenny as for a show choir comp, we picked up pizza fro the kids when they got back ot the hotel so late. Every overnight competition after, a few of the boys were like-"could M's parents find us Casey's again.!"

Michelle said...

I love your family and only know all of you virtually. The grand-dogs seem very happy and glad that there are extra cars for whoever needs one. We keep an extra, too. Always helps out!!

Practical Parsimony said...

I have never had cheese curds, and I want some! It sounds like a fun trip to see your daughter.


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