Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Christmas lights at the end of a tunnel

 I'm starting to pull out of my doldrums... I think Christmas music helps.  

Thank the Good Lord for Michael Buble!

He is the new Dean Martin/Bing Crosby from the 70s... I love his reinvention of some of the classics and of course his originals.

Mariah Carey and Barbara Streisand don't even hold a candle to him.

And the prospect that a week from Friday, our Christmas tree will be up!  Meri, Maddy and I are planning a DUO call that day with Christmas music in the background while we decorate our own trees.  With a promise of Christmas crafts during the same call or at least soon after.

Robb has devised a Thanksgiving menu and we'll do some shopping for it tonight and probably wrap it up by this weekend.

Here it is so far...

sweet potato souffle
glazed carrots
broccoli onion casserole
creamed corn
mashed potatoes
cranberry sauce - both kinds
pumpkin pie
a variety of Walmart mini pies
relish tray. Robb suggested a "small" one. ummmm nah. it's going to have lots on it! Especially black and green olives and little dills.

It'll be a small crowd.  It could be just our household of 5 and maybe Meri and Shub, depending on Covid tests this week.

Robb's mom is still in the hospital and probably won't be home for it. Sounds like her next stop will be a nursing home for a while.

My uncle is home from the hospital now! yay!

AND I've done some sewing lately!  THAT might actually be what's making me feel better.  I haven't sewn in a long time and whenever I felt like I need to get going on sewing projects, something else came up.

But I've just completed a project that I think, instead of being for me, will be a Christmas present...  

And that opens a whole new world of projects that have to get done and now I'm overwhelmed...



I can't wait!


Practical Parsimony said...

Sewing always kept me sane, happy, and fulfilled. Well, that sounds weird when I read it.

Anne in the kitchen said...

I will agree that some Christmas tunes will lift the spirits. I have decided since 2020 seems to have no rules, Christmas decorating can commence!


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