Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Dreaming of winning the lottery

Can't win if you don't play.  Isn't that what they say about the lottery?
then darn.  I'll never win it.

Other stuff while we await a Covid test for Meri... If positive, then we have to get tested too.

Leon has had projects for online school, one involved planting bean plants and then letting one not get watered for 5 days.

The dying one actually did better until the last day when it was a half inch shorter than the other ones.
But he documented each day faithfully and now all those plants are dead.
We even transplanted all 3 of them into a big pot of dirt, but they couldn't stand the change.

Our 4H leaders son got married a couple weeks ago and we attended.  She's the one that I did alterations on her dress two weeks before.  

I made a new top from my stash to coordinate with my brown maxi skirt.  And while I worried that I was going to sweat to death, no need...  

It was outdoors!  And a nice breeze.  WOW.  What a beautiful afternoon at a vineyard.

Thankfully the reception was indoors however we sat at a table underneath an air conditioning vent...  Yikes!  The masks were the only thing keeping me warm!  and my new shirt.

All the bridesmaids and groomsmen were from my kids high school, a year or two younger than Maddy.  So it was like Old Home day.  Even the pastor used to be the principal at the Middle School!

I'm sure every single kid in the wedding party had to visit his office at least once in his principal career.

And weren't these hors d'oevres thingies cute??  and delish...  There was a pearl on the cheese meat sticks...

The NEXT day, I attended the baptism of this little guys baby brother, Shiloh. 

My nephew and his wife make cute kids...

Another project for Leon this past week, included writing his own little ditty and clapping out the tune singing Do, Re, Mi type notes.  

under duress...  He was NOT happy to be recorded *gasp* singing...

And then visiting with Ada at the nursing home.  We had a ledge jumper...  It was only 2 feet up.
Not a real problem, but he did need my help when he walked across the wall and planted himself directly on the glass for Ada's benefit.
She loved it!

and look what I found in a stash of pics from my mom?!  Meri is such a cutie!

And I also found one of Robb and I for the college spring formal almost 33 years ago!  

My old stucco porch behind us.  

Whew!  We were young...

 Anyway...  That's it for today.  I'm going to try and do better posting each day.  Need to get back in the habit so I can create books of my blog posts for each year.  Got 3 done so far...  from 2009 - 2011...
Need another grand to get the rest caught up...  SOMEDAY... When I'm rich...

1 comment:

Southern Gal said...

Look at you babies!

I've asked this before, but what do you use to print your blog posts into books?


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