Tuesday, August 8, 2023

Fairly Babies and Scooters Over Here

I got to spent some time with Aggie last night on the deck!

She wasn't the most chatty as she tooted or pooped her pants and then promptly fell asleep.

Leon went on Meri and my early morning walk today.  He was a grump waking up but he had insisted that I wake him up for it anyway. Okey dokey!  He scootered all the way out to Robb's stone and back, 1.5 miles! 

 He found some slopes a lot more fun and got WAY ahead of us.  He's behind that roundish sign at the bottom.  If I zoomed in further, it would get all pixalized.  I couldn't pull my phone out quick enough to get him closer.

Looking forward to a women's Bible study get together tonight!  I've got hardboiled eggs cooling now for some deviled eggs to bring.  We're studying the book Enough For Now by Sharla Fritz and into the 4th chapter that has to do with food.  I read it by cell phone flashlight on the deck early this morning.  Good stuff!

Leon has a playdate at his besties this afternoon and they're moving this weekend to Arkansas.  It'll be months before he sees her again!  Oh well.  They'll chitchat on the phones.  I wish them the best with their new restaurant!

And I'm looking forward to going to the State Fair this weekend!  Can't wait to see my items displayed and see all the craftiness that other sewists are up to.  And of course to try some new and daring fair food on a stick!  We're bringing along a young man from church, who is here for college from overseas.  I'll be meeting him this evening.  It will be interesting to see his perspective of Iowan (American) fairs.  I wonder if they have chocolate covered bacon in China.  I guess we'll find out!

1 comment:

Practical Parsimony said...

What a sweet baby! I love the picture of the two of you. I suppose Leon wanted to go along since the baby was going. Babies are good at pooping and sleeping.


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