3rd installment of my 2012 yearly review. Covering July thru September. If you have no clue what I'm talking about, click here, here and here for the rules.
Maddy got her senior pictures done and I followed along behind taking duplicate shots...
Attended a bridal shower for my beautiful niece to be. Shared some embarrassing stories about her future husband...

and yes... every stinking cupboard is open in my kitchen.
Later on in the month was RAGBRAI bike ride! I didn't go on it... Are you CRAZY??! I just went and gawked. The next day, the bikers were pelted with a horrible rain/hail storm that went thru Iowa. Even .tho we weren't riding in, we got stuck in the storm under an overpass.
Later on in the month was RAGBRAI bike ride! I didn't go on it... Are you CRAZY??! I just went and gawked. The next day, the bikers were pelted with a horrible rain/hail storm that went thru Iowa. Even .tho we weren't riding in, we got stuck in the storm under an overpass.
Started our Staycation and as is our usual bent, Meri and I got lost trying to find the park... again...

Went bowling. Two bagpipe parades, one with a storm that took us by surprise yet again.
State Fair news!!!
VBS and bad face paint. I shared our Needs Salt Casserole recipe.
In August, my son and his wife decided to split up. And since both still lived here, things were rife. We kept our sights on what was important. LEON! more Leon! and yet MORE Leon!
Can you see the theme?
Football games on Friday nights where we were the Band parents, who leave after the half time show...
Leon loved them when we took him along. He mostly loved flirting with the girl's friends who stopped by our bleacher spot.
Started sewing on a wedding gift for my nephew and his bride, who got married in October. It was a challenge from my ASG group to use these samples.
More sewing stuff. MORE sewing stuff! Worked on the dress I'll wear to Sam's wedding.
Attended a birthday party for my niece and nephew! They're not twins, but their parents wanted to get as many folks here for their birthdays since they were fairly close.
And there would be pony rides! It was pretty awesome... Bouncy house and EVERYTHING!
Baby proofing the house for a child that is MOBILE! More baby stuff. yet MORE baby Leon stuff! More of Leon! And then of course, Houdini Baby Leon...
A lot of sleepless nights and it didn't have anything to do with a baby in the house... well, sort of.
COLD COLD parade, but we had to see Maddy march!!! Homecoming week madness.
My parents 55th wedding anniversary! It made me think.
Well, that sums up a few months that I wished a few things had gone a little differently... A lot of good happened in them too though, so I'm focusing on that!
Tune in next Friday when you can hear how my sanity got scorched, no cats were harmed in the making of a blog post, even though I'd like to, and a beautiful couple got married.
Wow, 55 years for your parents, that's amazing.
So sorry to hear about your son and his wife splitting up. But I'm glad you're focusing on what's important-your grandson!
Could you imagine getting pelted on a bike... yikes! And congrats to your parents on their anniversary! I love love stories like that!
You have had such a BUSY year!!
what an eventful year!! I try and focus on the good too...
I enjoyed your photos!!
55 years for your parents is so awesome! I remember attending my grandparents 50th wedding anniversary party. I can totally understand why Leon made so many posts he is a cutie.
And your weather stories made me not really miss the midwest anymore-- I will take my SoCal weather, though it is pouring today, if it was just a bit colder we would have a white Christmas.
I went to BYU Bowl game last week and as I watched the marching band it felt like a totally different life when I was in it in high school, I seriously could barely remember it- how sad as it was fun times.
Great recap! Can't wait to see week 4-- oh and don't forget we were thinking it would be fun to add 5 goals/wishes to our week 4 recaps, that way when we recap next year we can see if they came true.
55 years, wow! https://growninsouthernground.wordpress.com/2012/12/21/2012-review-extravaganza-third-quarter-recap/
How do you have time for anything?
I hope you had a wonderful Christmas!
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